Land Fundraiser New Year’s Card 2022
Dear Friends of Auroville’s Bright and Harmonious Development,
The New Year 2022 is upon us. Let us step into it consciously with the help of words of the Mother regarding extraordinary times we are living in.
“In this new substance which is spreading and acting in the world,
there is a warmth, a power, a joy so intense that
all intellectual activity seems cold and dry beside it.
And that is why the less one talks about these things the better it is.
A single moment, a single impulse of deep and true love,
an instant of the understanding which lies in the divine Grace brings you much closer
to the goal than all possible explanations.
(Ref. CWTM, V.09, 14 May 1958)
Coming to our work, we are happy to report that the year gone by has seen success with the purchase and consolidation of 12 new plots (comprising 20 acres & 29 cents) by Auroville’s Land Board in the planned township area, mostly in the water-catchment area next to Irumbai Lake – all thanks to your generous contributions!
Our annual New Year’s card, shown above, is a way to connect with you and to express our sincere appreciation and thanks for your contributions and collaboration, and to let you know that the efforts for providing a unified ground for Auroville’s flowering are continuing unabated.
Besides this e-version, we will be sending land donors a printed copy of our New Year’s card by post. If you don’t want to receive a hard copy of the card by post, please drop us a line at [email protected]. However, due to Omicron, postal service from India to certain countries will unfortunately be delayed.
If you are in Auroville, these beautiful cards will be available for free at major places in the City of Dawn township.
We take this opportunity to thank Aurovilian Pïero Cefaloni for the cover photo and Aurovilian Lalit Kishor Bhati for the photos on pages 2 & 4. We sincerely thank Aravinda, along with Jasmin, who this year once again did the design and printing so this inspiring card could see the light of day.
As a special plus, we are pleased to communicate the most recent update from Auroville’s PRISMA Books. Facing unprecedented odds, like many others, as the pandemic unfolded in 2020, PRISMA chose to experiment with novel open-access publishing methods, and you can read a reflection on their experience so far in their latest newsletter. They write: “As world events unfold in ever-interesting timelines, our team continues to experiment with futuristic publishing to present intriguing titles for a serious read in such exciting times.” Two of their recent open-access publications include “Sri Aurobindo’s Savitri: The Auroville Radio Talks” by Loretta Shartsis, a four-volume work that emerges from talks recorded by her for Auroville Radio over the last seven years, available here, and “Auroville, A Dream“, a rich text on its aims and ideals, available here. You can see more of their open access publications or order print books worldwide through their website or through auroville.com.
Each year, your donations have brought Auroville closer to a more consolidated physical base.
Present circumstances show that your support remains vital, and precious. Solidarity works – so let us keep up our collective dynamism!
By supporting Auroville’s harmonious land consolidation, you strengthen Auroville’s ability to be a shining beacon of light!
With confidence in Auroville’s bright future, our sincere appreciation, and our warmest wishes for a Merry Christmas and a Happy 2022!
Lands for Auroville Unified (LFAU) and its two campaigns
“Acres for Auroville” (ALL Master Plan land) & “GreenAcres” (Greenbelt only)