Acres for Auroville Newsletter – April 2021

01 Sep 2021 Newsletters, Land

Greetings & Update From a4a in This Special Month of April!


  1. A4A Flier
  2. LFAU Letter
  3. 19.09 Acres of New Lands Purchased – Thanks to your Solidarity!
  4. The Work of the Auroville Land Board – Part 1
  5. Renu – an Auroville Pioneer since the start!
  6. A Big Thank You from Art for Land 2021 & other Solidarity News
  7. Donor creativity – the Savitri Online Encyclopedia
  8. Inspiration from Sri Aurobindo & The Mother

Dear friends of Auroville’s bright and unified future,
While India and many parts of the world are still grappling with the Covid-19 pandemic, we are happy to report that the situation in Auroville is relatively calm and in control, thanks to precautionary measures and regular guidance from the Working Committee and other related groups. (We have quoted two relevant  quotations of the Mother at the end of this newsletter.)

Our A4A (Acres for Auroville) campaign and the work of the Land Board are continuing at a steady pace thanks to so many of you, our valued friends and collaborators. You will be glad to learn that despite difficult times in the world, 30.84 acres of new land were bought between March 2020 and February 2021!

This is our 28th Quarterly Update & Goodwill Activation Point since the initiation of the A4A campaign on 15th August 2014. We feel grateful to all our friends and donors who with their contributions and moral support keep the fire of enthusiasm and progress burning.

Donations can be made through our donations page. Please specify “Acres for Auroville” when making a donation to the campaign.  Thank you!