Covid 19 Financial Crisis Appeal
We are living in strange and difficult times and many people have suffered financially, so I appreciate this may not be a good time to be asking for donations.
However there is a crisis situation in Auroville. Basically Auroville is running out of money for its regular needs.
An official announcement from Auroville has been made:
“The COVID 19 crisis will have a big impact on Auroville’s financial situation in general and the City Services budget in particular. Not only will it have a big impact on unit contributions, we also expect to have additional cost for healthcare and other emergencies. Currently City Services has a buffer to last 2.6 months, if we keep our budgeted expenditure as it is today. Our goal is to try and make it last much longer.”
An emergency fund has been set up for donations to help Auroville through this critical period in its history, so this message is a call to anyone who has Auroville’s Dream in their heart, to give what they can.
You can donate by going to the AVIUK donation page